Friday 11 September 2015

What is Media ?

What is Media?

Media is a form of expression that is used to spread information around the world for example the news, television, radio, newspaper and much more. All these forms of media have different specific codes and conventions to persuade or inform the target audience. Media can also connect people through such tools as social media networking (Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr) and this grants the people who use them communication to one another.

There is also web based platforms such as the BBC news shows a variety of information such as audio and video and these types of sources can heavily influence people. However, when it comes to print based platforms/media there are some such as the sun is biased as they will only show one side of the story.

1 comment:

  1. very little difference between drafts Marcus... need to ensure that you read the feedback and expand on ideas. As a start to a working definition it is 'OK' but really need to mention all the aspects that we work through and discuss in class- you may need to make more in depth notes to help complete tasks outside of the classroom- I will expect a better response next task.
